Session expires 00:00


The total number of registered members as of Wednesday, 23 October 2024 is 8382.

Ngāti Ranginui Iwi:
  • Society Incorporated is a charitable entity mandated to represent Ngāti Ranginui members on all Iwi matters except Fisheries and Raupatu Settlement Assets and processes. Since establishment in 1990, the Society has also been involved in the delivery of a variety of Health & Social Services activities.
  • Fisheries Trust is the governance entity mandated to manage the Iwi’s Fisheries Settlement Assets on behalf of Ngāti Ranginui members pursuant to the Maori Fisheries Act 2004. The Trust was established in 2007.
The Society and Trust have elected to share the responsibility of developing and maintaining a Register of people who affiliate to Ngāti Ranginui.

Descendants of Ngāti Ranginui are invited to apply to register as a member using this Form. It is important to register all whanau members, including every dependant child. A separate application Form must be completed for each person. Parents can register their children however persons 18yrs or older must complete and sign their own Form. Registration will enable you to participate in key strategic matters as well as benefit from membership entitlements.

A Registration Committee, comprising of Ngāti Ranginui Kaumatua and whakapapa experts, will be established. This Committee shall be responsible for validating registration eligibility, in particular applicant’s Hapu/Marae affiliation and whakapapa to Ngāti Ranginui.